Frequently Asked Questions on Additional Work for Skilled Workers

Here are the Frequently Asked Questions on the update from the UK Government Website that Health and Care Workers will only be allowed to work up to 20 hours of additional paid work without the requirement to update their visa. Click here to visit the UK Gov Website.

From 27 August 2023, you’ll only be able to do up to 20 hours of additional paid work without updating your visa. The job will need to be either:

  • in the same occupation code and at the same level as your main job

  • in a shortage occupation

Q: Is this 20hrs per week or per month?
A: 20hrs per week

Q: What are the new rules for Skilled Worker visa holders working supplementary hours after 27 August 2023?
A: From 27 August 2023, Skilled Worker visa holders will only be able to work up to 20 hours of supplementary paid work without the requirement to update their visa. This applies to all Skilled Worker visa holders, including Health and Care Workers.

Q: What are the types of supplementary work that are allowed?
A: Supplementary work must be in the same profession and at the same professional level as the main job or must be in a shortage occupation. For example, a doctor who is a Skilled Worker visa holder could work up to 20 hours per week as a locum doctor, or as a carer in a care home.

Q: What are the consequences of working more than 20 hours of supplementary work?

A: If a Skilled Worker visa holder works more than 20 hours of supplementary work, they will be breaking the terms of their visa. This could lead to their visa being cancelled, and they could be deported.

Q: What if I want to work more than 20 hours of supplementary work?
A: If you want to work more than 20 hours of supplementary work, you will need to apply to update your visa. You will need to provide a letter from your employer explaining why you need to work more hours, and you will need to pay an additional fee.

Q: What if I am already working more than 20 hours of supplementary work?
A: If you are already working more than 20 hours of supplementary work, you will need to stop working those extra hours by 27 August 2023. If you do not stop working those extra hours, you could be breaking the terms of your visa.

Q: What if I am a Health and Care Worker?
A: Health and Care Workers are currently exempt from the 20-hour supplementary work limit. However, this exemption will end on 27 August 2023. After this date, Health and Care Workers will only be able to work up to 20 hours of supplementary paid work without the requirement to update their visa.

Q: What are the reasons for the new rules on supplementary work for Skilled Worker visa holders?
A: The UK government has said that the new rules are being introduced to ensure that Skilled Worker visa holders are only working in jobs that are aligned with their skills and qualifications. The government also says that the new rules will help to protect the wages and working conditions of UK workers.

Q: What advice would you give to Skilled Worker visa holders who are concerned about the new rules on supplementary work?
A: I would advise Skilled Worker visa holders who are concerned about the new rules on supplementary work to speak to their employer or a immigration lawyer. They can help you to understand the new rules and to explore your options.

Alternatively, you can book a consultation with Tulia for clarity with one of our immigration legal experts using this LINK

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Changes to the Immigration Rules for Skilled Workers