
Tulia’s Therapy Services

Moving and making a home in new environment whether as a newly arrived person, a long term resident or even as a third generation migrant can be difficult, especially alongside family tension, work anxiety or other stress. Emotional wellbeing drives decision-making skills, relationships and health. Tulia offers therapy and counselling to people of all ages to better develop their peace of mind.

You will fill out a short questionnaire to provide some general and anonymous background about you and the issues you’d like to deal with in therapy. It would help us match you with the most suitable therapist for you. Your answers will also give this counsellor a good starting point in getting to know you.

Counselling session usually last at a set 6 or 10 weeks, and virtual options are available.

We work with associate companies who provide one to one counselling for our clients who enter in through our legal arm. We have been fortunate to receive some funding for this aspect of our work. It has been very successful as we have been able to offer this support seamlessly and have been able to deal with trust issues and also build confidence after the entry point where people are in crises.

Here are some testimonials from clients who have worked with us before, when they needed counselling and emotional wellbeing support.

“I was going through stress, depression and anxiety disorder. So that was the situation, I couldn’t cope. I couldn’t deal with my daily routines, things were just upside down and I had a lot that was going on in my mind and I had some suicidal thoughts as well. Things were not really good to be honest. My priority was my emotional wellbeing. They assisted me to go through therapy, and referred me to Dr Christine Tazarurwa. I started gaining my confidence and my self-esteem that I had lost. “

— Thulani

“At first Rumbi introduced me to counselling with Dr Tazarurwa. She was supposed to six sessions only with me, but she even extended them because I was broken down and honestly, I don’t want to lie I even, I didn’t have a penny. It was all through Migrant Support, they were the ones who paid for it. It was really something else, when you’re just like dead you just don’t know to get through, but she led me through with counselling.”

— Ayanda

“There have been a lot of improvements, they even offered counselling and divorce counselling too, I think about 8 sessions. I now think I'm doing alright, because my children and I have our own safe place and they can continue with their education after their schooling was interrupted by both the situation at home and the pandemic.”

— Prudence


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