Community Legal Education

Immigration Seminars for Your Congregation or Local Community Group

We provide training for Community groups & Faith Organisations.

We run bespoke courses on immigration law and family law updates. We also have interactive sessions where we help to facilitate talks on the integration of migrants.

Topics Covered:

1.      Immigration Law Updates

2.      Attaining British Citizenship

3.      Country Lines  and Child Trafficking

4.      Safeguarding Children in Community Settings

5.      Domestic Violence for Immigrants

6.      Wills and Probate – Planning for Death

7.      Summary of the law relating to dissolution of marriage.

8.      Immigration and Marriages in the UK – Power Dynamics

9.      Bespoke Courses




Keynote Speakers, Lectures, Workshops, Panels and Event Chairing


Half Day Training

*excludes accommodation and travel cost


Full Day Training

*excludes accommodation and travel cost

Get in touch Today!

Get in contact here to find out more about getting one of our team members to come to your community and provide expert training for the day. We can also provide you with a course brochure.

What People Are Saying..


“We had Mrs Bvunzawabaya at our men’s retreat speaking on the impact of Migration on men and their role in the family. This talk was initially scheduled for 1 hour but due to the questions and interest we asked her to extend the session and it ended up being 4 hours. This talk was insightful, empowering and relevant.”

— Methodist Church Zimbabwe Men’s Fellowship Leicester

“The talk on domestic violence was excellent, in a language we understand and we were able to ask questions. We have normalised the abnormal.”

— Women’s Christian Fellowship Leeds




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