Tulia means to settle in the UK . Our hope is that migrants living in the UK can access legal advice accommodation and support. We need your help to be able to provide support to assist the most vulnerable migrants in the United Kingdom who have no access to public funds and who are homeless.

What is The Solace About?
The Solace is a supported living scheme based in Coventry where we will provide room , board, and support for migrants at risk of homelessness. Migrants face complex problems and homelessness due to a lack of support networks and complex immigration issues. Tulia helps any migrants at risk regardless of immigration status by providing housing advice and support.

Tulia has helped hundreds of migrants to secure immigration status and housing. Tulia has provided listening support peer support groups and assistance to migrants.

Rutendo says,

"I was on the verge of suicide. I had sold everything to make my dream of coming to work in the UK come true. I arrived in the UK with so much expectation and filled with promise of the future. I was so disappointed when I came to the UK. My employer had no work for me and was very rough with me. I became depressed and on the verge of suicide. Someone referred me to Rumbi at Tulia. She talked to me, prayed with me and then gave me legal advice and referred me to another employer. I am so happy that my new visa has now come and I am working well. Thank you to everyone at Tulia."

Ways you can take part
Everyone can take part! You can take part in this community project in various ways.

  • You can donate any amount using the button below. Our target amount is £20,000

  • You can partner with us and help us to fundraise. Click the button below on how to partner.

  • You can help us spread the word by copying the link to this website and sharing the link on your social media pages and your circles.

£2750 will go towards 1 month’s rent for a 5 bedroomed house to accommodate 5 migrants at a time

£1450 will help paying council tax for the house for the whole year

£500 will help paying water & electricity bills for the house for 2 months

£200 will go towards buying a laptop for the migrants home

£100 will help towards paying a support worker for a day

£50 will be enough to buy food for 1 migrant for the whole week.

£15 will go towards airtime for 1 migrant for a month.

£5 will go towards bus fare for 1 migrant to attend an interview

There is no amount that is too small.

Don’t forget to help us spread the word!