Tulia Webinars.

Re-watch all of our free webinars below

Dealing with Menopause in Marriage and in Divorce

Menopause and the perimenopausal years can be emotionally and physically challenging for many women as they deal with hormonal changes and juggle work, family, and other commitments.

Dealing with a relationship breakdown at this time adds to the emotional rollercoaster, often leaving women vulnerable, fearful of the future and isolated.

Join us, and special guest Vonayi Nyamazana, as we offer advice on dealing with the emotions of perimenopause/menopause during the fallout of a divorce or separation and some practical tips on how to rebuild your confidence, take back control and gain strength and independence.


Can Every Marriage Be Saved? How To Divorce Proof Your Marriage

In this webinar CEO and Founder of Tulia Rumbidzai Bvunzawabaya and guest Muchada Bvunzawabaya share their advice on how to work on your marriage for couples living in the diaspora .

During this 1 hour webinar Rumbi and Muchada give a snapshot into their co-authored book 'Three Stranded Cord' which shares some of the principles to a successful marriage. It is ready for pre order and will be released on 2 June 2022.

Visit Tulia EventBrite @TuliaGroup or our website www.tulia.org.uk to find out about any upcoming webinars.


How to Navigate Becoming a Successful Co-Parent Following a Divorce or Separation

In this webinar CEO and Founder of Tulia Rumbidzai Bvunzawabaya and guest Justice Marwisa share their advice on how to navigate and become a successful co-parent following a divorce or separation.

Justice shared practical tips and techniques to help improve how divorced/separated parents co-parent, including:

  • Co-parenting vs parallel parenting – What’s the difference? Which is best for you?

  • Understanding your co-parenting goal.

  • Code of conduct – creating your co-parenting handbook.

  • Family roundtables – listen & hear your children, creating safe, supportive & engaging environments for all.

  • Effective communication & language skills.

  • Plans, rotations & schedules – deciphering your options & the numbers game… 1-on/1-off, 2-2-5-5, etc

  • Your co-parenting values – sustainability, fluidity & longevity.


How to Deal with Divorcing or Separating from a Narcissist

On Tuesday 15th February Tulia held a free webinar with founder and CEO, Rumbidzai and Special guest Pamela Marwisa, a highly experienced counsellor expert who works specifically with the victims of narcissistic relationships, including in the area of separation and divorce.

Pamela shared a deep understanding of narcissism along with tools and techniques for people undergoing a divorce or separation from narcissistic individuals. Rumbidzai took time to explain the legal options available to help those who have chosen to end their relationship formally or are dealing with ongoing legal issues with a narcissist ex-partner.